
Peter de Jánosi Visiting YSSP Faculty

We are pleased to announce the availability of Peter de Jánosi Travel Grants for graduate advisors of YSSP Fellows from U.S. institutions.  These De Jánosi Grants will support travel and living expenses for a visit of up to 2 weeks by the YSSPer’s advisor, in order to foster institutional collaboration as an outgrowth of the YSSP Fellowship.

YSSPers and their faculty adviser may apply for a Fellowship to support your advisor’s visit to IIASA during your participation in the program. Applications should briefly describe the rationale for the visit, and must be accompanied by an invitation for the faculty member’s visit from the sponsoring IIASA Project or the YSSP leadership.  We will ask for a brief report on the outcome and value of the additional interactions after the end of YSSP 2023.

Dr. Peter De Jánosi was a critical force in the development of and support for the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) from its founding in 1972 through the end of his six-year term as IIASA Director in 1996. As Director, he guided IIASA’s transition from its role as a bridge between East and West during the Cold War to an international research organization addressing the global problems confronting nations, both North and South.

The Peter De Jánosi Program of YSSP Advisor Travel Grants supports his vision of vital American participation in IIASA’s global research program.

Sincerely yours,

Adil Najam                                                Maggie Goud Collins

President, Friends of IIASA                        Executive Director, Friends of IIASA


IIASA YSSP Winners, Romain Clercq-Roques (Special Award), Xander Huggins (Mikhalevich Award), Melissa Chapman (Peccei Award)

IIASA announced the 2022 Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) awards to three exceptional young scientists.  Melissa (Millie) Chapman, Romain Clercq-Roques and Xander Huggins will receive grants allowing them to return to IIASA and continue their research collaborations for three additional months. 

Millie Chapman from the University of California, Berkeley, received the Peccei Award for her work with the IIASA Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program (BNR).  Chapman’s YSSP project on “Meeting 2030 biodiversity targets under land use constraints in the EU” was prepared under the supervision of IIASA researchers Martin Jung and Piero Visconti.  Millie is a 2nd generation YSSPer, as her PhD advisor at Berkeley, Carl Boettiger, was a YSSP Fellow in 2009. 

Xander Huggins from the University of Victoria and the Global Institute for Water Security in Canada was awarded the Mikhalevich Award for his work, with the BNR Water Security Research Group. His project on “Global archetypes of groundwater interactions in social-ecological systems” was supervised by Taher Kahil and Amanda Palazzo.

Romain Clercq-Roques from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the UK received the newly established Special YSSP Award for his work with the IIASA Strategic Initiatives Program.  Romain’s YSSP work on “Coupled dynamics of biodiversity loss and undernutrition in eastern Madagascar: A participatory agent-based model” was conducted under the guidance of Marta Kozicka and Katya Perez-Guzman.

Dipesh Chapagain, from the University of Bonn, and Hyun-Woo Jo from Korea University received honorable mentions for their YSSP studies.  Dipesh worked with the Advancing Systems Analysis (ASA) and Population and Just Societies (POPJUS) Programs on “Understanding the role of climate change in disaster mortality: Empirical evidence from Nepal”. Hyun-Woo’s work with the BNR Program was on “Optimization of the IIASA’s FLAM model to represent forest fires in South Korea”.

The awards are given in honor of longtime IIASA supporters Dr. Aurelio Peccei  and Academician Vladimir S. Mikhalevich.

The IIASA announcement is can be viewed here.


January 19, 2023

The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal Report
The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal Report


The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal

We are pleased to share the 1st edition of our report!

Download here.

Why not join us for the report’s launch event?

Thursday 19 January, 16.00-17.30 GMT

Register here.